2012Razoo Guest Post
Dania T. Miwa was featured in Razoo‘s blog Inspiring Generosity. Here is a link her guest post 5 Myths About Using Social Media to Raise Funds.
Why Your Nonprofit Should Try Out Social Media for Fundraising
A post by Ifdy Perez Many nonprofits are standing at the threshold, unsure of whether investing time and money in the “social media thing” is worth it. Nonprofits have important missions to accomplish, so adding something onto their already jam-packed schedules or finding room in an already stretched-out budget makes it less appealing. With this post, I wanted to help start a dialogue with nonprofits on the fence about social media. Here are 4 reasons why your nonprofit should consider jumping on the social media train. It’s Where the People Are Each year, the number of people who join social…
Thoughts on Twive & Receive
A post by Dania Toscano Miwa I had a great time representing the Animal Humane Society for Minneapolis and getting Minnesota even more recognition on the national philanthropy map. However, it truly had very little to do with me. The Animal Humane Society’s donors are the real hero’s of the day and I want to yet again publically extend my sincere thanks to them. THANK YOU!
Twive and Receive: National Philanthropy Contest
A post by Dania T. Miwa This Article was originally published on bepollen.com on June 1st. Philanthropy goes Twitter on June 14. In cities across the country, bloggers and other social media influencers have each picked one local cause to support. These champions are now rallying their followers on Twitter, Facebook, and their blogs to donate as much as possible to their chosen local charity on June 14 in the hopes of securing an additional cash award during the Twitter-based fundraising contest called “Twive and Receive” (like Twitter and give combined). At 12:00 a.m.Pacific Time on June 14, the 24…
Why I’m going to Twive & Receive on June 14th
Post by Dania Toscano Miwa This year on June 14th I’m participating in Twive and Receive which is one day where over 100 cities mobilize their donors to give to a single nonprofit in their community. I have chosen the Animal Humane Society of the Twin Cities. I chose AHS because every dog and cat I’ve ever had growing up came from there. For example, Samson was a German Shepard who was rejected by the police academy for being too nice. He was the smartest dog I’ve ever known and his favorite treats were peanuts. Venus is the Siamese mix…