2013The Qualities Needed in a Nonprofit Organization’s CEO
A Posting by James V. Toscano & Dania Toscano Miwa The latest surveys report between 20-40% of CEO/EDs of nonprofit organizations are thinking of leaving in the next few years. Is this a disaster or a remarkable opportunity to improve leadership? In addition to management degrees, e.g. MBAs, MNPM, MPAs, and good track records, what else should we be looking for in the next generation of nonprofit CEOs? Here is our collective baker’s dozen on those qualities that will help bring nonprofits to a new, more productive, innovative position. Some who are next in line at these organizations may have many…
5 Myths About Social Media for Nonprofit Organizations
A post by Dania T. Miwa 1. Social media is a great way to fundraise. While I agree it can be a great tool to reach potential donors and I have even seen a successful twitter fundraising campaign or two, what is typically more common is Nonprofits using social media as a stewardship tool to connect donors and constituents to the mission of an organization and help them to feel connected. Donations may in fact come out of that as a byproduct of good stewardship, but it is usually a secondary outcome 2. Social media will get people…