Search Results for: ToscanoAdvisors


Dec 2014

2015: Ten Nonprofit Trends

The new year will be a better year all around for the nonprofit sector, part of the post 2008-09 recovery. Many variables are in play, as always, with the following ten standing out for special attention in 2015. 1. The Growing Disparity within the Nonprofit Sector Similar to the growing disparity in family household incomes, there is and will continue to be a growing gap between the well-established large nonprofits and the smaller less stable mass. In terms of percentage growth, in terms of income growth, in terms of program growth, the larger organizations are thriving while the others are, in…

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Creating a Culture of Philanthropy


Jul 2014

Creating a Culture of Philanthropy

Everyone these days appears to be using the concept of a “Culture of Philanthropy” to get the point across that nonprofit organizations rely on resources and relationships for their sustenance, if not their existence. When googled, the concept receives 461,000 entries, seemingly mostly from consulting firms seeking business. The phrase is a great summary of what nonprofits are all about, especially in a procedural way. Substantively, we research, we teach, we feed, we exhibit, we heal, we preach, we tinker—we do many things benefitting civil society. Procedurally, we’re being told that our culture—our beliefs, opinions, values, orientations, relationships, and interactions—needs…

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Five Inexorable Nonprofit Changes


Jun 2014

Five Inexorable Nonprofit Changes

Sometimes change is dramatic, cataclysmic. The volcano in Iceland erupts. This rarely happens in the world of nonprofit organizations, where constant but more subtle change is apparent. The ice shelf in Antarctica is irreversibly melting. Even the iconic, national American pastime has evolved from infielders standing on bases to times when no one is anywhere near third base! The difference is similar to whether a lobster is thrown directly into boiling water, or into a pot of cold water that’s gradually heating up. The result is often the same, one taking a bit longer. The same scenario with the pot…

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Civil Benefit Organizations


Apr 2014

Civil Benefit Organizations

We wrote recently about the nonprofit sector’s name as something we’re not, as something that doesn’t say what we do, how we do it or what comes of it. So we concluded that the descriptor “nonprofit” has to go. But what to call ourselves? Response wasn’t overwhelming, although there were some very good ideas generated, really good ones. Unfortunately, like the ten we cited, all suggested names left something out that needed to be there. The idea of “benefit” seemed appropriate in describing the work, so we needed to find the all-embracing element that received the benefit. The more we…

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Guest Post – Train your board. Raise more money.


Apr 2014

Guest Post – Train your board. Raise more money.

This post is adapted from the new book, Train Your Board (and Everyone Else) to Raise Money by Andrea Kihlstedt and Andy Robinson, No one is born knowing how to raise money, but like many other skills – sewing on a button, mastering a new app, driving a car – it’s a skill we can learn. With effective training and support, pretty much anyone can become a skilled fundraiser. That’s why we assembled our new book. Furthermore, you don’t have to be a professional facilitator to teach your board, volunteers, and staff members. Like fundraising, training others is a…

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The Ten Things Board Members Should Do to Help Nonprofits


Apr 2014

The Ten Things Board Members Should Do to Help Nonprofits

co-authored by Dania Miwa & Jim Toscano We’ve written often about boards, board members and relationships in previous posts. See Ten Things Every Board Member Should Know and How Many Board Members Does it Take to Change a Lightbulb? Here’s the list to put up on the refrigerator when you accept a board membership. 1.   Show Up, Follow Up. Lending a name to the Board list alone doesn’t work. Policy, budgets, plans and everything else are made by those who attend meetings regularly. Also remember that much of the thoughtful work happens between meetings. Showing up is part of it,…

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Are There Too Many Nonprofits, or Too Few?


Mar 2014

Are There Too Many Nonprofits, or Too Few?

We read and hear volumes about the growing number of nonprofit organizations, now approaching one million nationally, with consequent warnings of imminent disaster for many. The causes of the disaster vary, according to source of commentary. Competition for resources is big: there just isn’t enough charitable money to pay for it all. Too many groups asking foundations, corporations and individuals for much more than is available makes difficult choices. Then there is the claim of overlapping service or uncoordinated outreach, followed by lack of efficiency, thus reduced effectiveness. Underpaid staff almost exploited by mission and rapid turnover of personnel complete this analysis….

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Feb 2014


var lsjQuery = jQuery; lsjQuery(document).ready(function() { if(typeof lsjQuery.fn.layerSlider == "undefined") { lsShowNotice('layerslider_1','jquery'); } else if(typeof lsjQuery.transit == "undefined" || typeof lsjQuery.transit.modifiedForLayerSlider == "undefined") { lsShowNotice('layerslider_1', 'transit'); } else { lsjQuery("#layerslider_1").layerSlider({ width : '100%', height : '436px', responsive : true, responsiveUnder : 1160, sublayerContainer : 1160, autoStart : true, pauseOnHover : true, firstLayer : 1, animateFirstLayer : true, randomSlideshow : false, twoWaySlideshow : true, loops : 0, forceLoopNum : true, autoPlayVideos : false, autoPauseSlideshow : 'auto', youtubePreview : 'maxresdefault.jpg', keybNav : true, touchNav : true, skin : 'fullwidth', skinsPath : '', globalBGImage : '', navPrevNext : true, navStartStop : true, navButtons...

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Feb 2014


Contact us today. Dania Toscano MiwaPresident / Founding Principal 503-208-5495   James V. ToscanoFounding Principal  503-482-8070



Feb 2014


Toscano Advisors, LLC is a client-centered consulting group based in Portland Oregon. Toscano Advisors brings together specific talents to meet our client organization's needs. Combining over 60 years of experience, work with over 400 non-profit organizations and up-to-date knowledge of current nonprofit dynamics and dilemmas, our firm is well-positioned to be a valuable resource to our clients. We differ from other consulting firms in that we have developed a network of independent, experienced specialists for referral to address specific client needs. We have also recently launched a "ask a fundraiser" text line. Text (503) 854-0801 to add yourself to Dania's contacts, then she'll be...

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