02 Jan 2013 / by thegoodcounsel / in Board Development, Communications, Fundraising, Leadership, Nonprofit Management, Nonprofit Sector, Social Media
A Recap – The Most Popular Posts in 2012
Happy New Year!
In looking back over last year, Jim and I were interested to see what resonated with our readers the most and are eager to hear what topics our readers wished we’d written about. (The comment box below is a great place to let us know what you’d like to read more about, or if you’d prefer, send me an email at Dania(@)ToscanoAdvisors.com.)
These are the top five most read posts of last year.
1. 5 Myths about Social Media for Nonprofit Organizations
2. Why Does a Nonprofit Board Need Young People?
3. The Ten “Must” Agreements Between Board and Executive Director
4. Ten Things Every Nonprofit Board Member Should Know
5. Ten Predictions for the Nonprofit Sector in 2013
We hope you’ve enjoyed reading these, and would really love to hear from you!
– Dania & Jim