Thoughts on Twive & Receive
A post by Dania Toscano Miwa I had a great time representing the Animal Humane Society for Minneapolis and getting Minnesota even more recognition on the national philanthropy map. However, it truly had very little to do with me. The Animal Humane Society’s donors are the real hero’s of the day and I want to yet again publically extend my sincere thanks to them. THANK YOU!
5 Myths About Social Media for Nonprofit Organizations
A post by Dania T. Miwa 1. Social media is a great way to fundraise. While I agree it can be a great tool to reach potential donors and I have even seen a successful twitter fundraising campaign or two, what is typically more common is Nonprofits using social media as a stewardship tool to connect donors and constituents to the mission of an organization and help them to feel connected. Donations may in fact come out of that as a byproduct of good stewardship, but it is usually a secondary outcome 2. Social media will get people…
201110 Best Federal Government Revenue Sites
Post by James V. Toscano The federal government has made great strides in the past decade in clarifying the incredibly complex webs of funding streams emanating out of Washington. 1. The single best site is grants.gov. Managed by the Department of Health and Human Services it is an up-to-date repository of current sources of the fed’s largesse. The site helps you find opportunities and then helps you apply for them. There are many other features that make this a frequent stopover. Government benefits, loans funds and small business opportunities are covered elsewhere. 2. The Federal Register is the daily encyclopedic…