2022: Ten Trends for Significant Nonprofit Survival
We are just starting to realize the full implications and enormity of forces unleashed by our previous national presidential administration, the failure of the current one to enact the larger elements of its plans for infrastructure and society, and, above all by the pandemic on all of us in every way, with huge impact on the nonprofit sector. In the pandemic, faced by the dilemma of reduced resources and increased need, nonprofits have struggled to achieve their goals. Despite trillions in government funds channeled into the society, need has been greater and many civil benefit organizations have been under enormous…
2021: Ten Trends for Significant Nonprofit Survival
2021 will be a year of transition for nonprofit organizations as well as for the rest of society. Transition does not mean heading back to the business as usual of 2019, but movement toward a blending of what was, what has been learned, what has changed and what is needed for a more equitable and just society. The Pandemic taught us many things and reminded us of things we knew, but were easy to push to the back burner. It changed patterns of thought, behavior and action. Our culture, society, economy, technology and all other aspects responded. We hear of…
2012Ten Predictions for the Nonprofit Sector in 2013
A post by James V. Toscano 1. As traditional sources of gifts and grants plateau, nonprofits will increasingly turn to new and alternative sources of revenue, including social entrepreneurship, cause marketing, and for-profit subsidiaries. Pay for performance, in many forms, will be an emerging methodology for payment by government and other funding groups. 2. The total number of nonprofits will increase year over year, as will the number of mergers and acquisitions among existing nonprofits. 3. Of those retiring Boomers from the business world and others who want to benefit society, some will choose to start B-corporations, which are double…