2011Ten Things Every Nonprofit Board Member Should Know
Post by James V. Toscano 1. The Mission is why we do what we do. Let us focus in on it. 2. The Vision is what ultimately we want to achieve. We need to get there reasonably, effectively, and efficiently. 3. Those who show up at meetings decide what happens. Get to meetings or get off the board.
Why Your Board Needs Term Limits
Post by Gail Perry (reposted from Charity Channel) Do you have a board that is reluctant to enforce term limits for its members? Or do you have bylaws that don’t even mention term limits? Term limits are important to a smoothly functioning board. In fact, they can be a nonprofit CEO’s best friend. They keep a board from becoming stale and set in its ways. When that happens, your entire organization may be at risk—sooner than you think. With today’s wildly shifting environment, this is a very dangerous place to be. To illustrate just how term limits can make a…