


Useful Fundraising Mnemonics

A post by James V. Toscano mne·mon·ics: the process or technique of improving or developing the memory. While fundraising is a complex process, there are certain devices that jog the memory when working in specific situations. Over the years, I have developed a number of these memory-jogging simplicities to ensure sophisticated processes. Here are two: the 3A Rule and the 4P Rule. The Three A Rule: 1. Ask: It’s amazing how much planning, scenarios and time are spent in setting up cultivation of a prospect that never results in an ask. Until you ask. you are an empty shell, an…

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Ten Conditions for Success in Fundraising

The Good Counsel  A post By James V. Toscano 1. A Strong Vision/ Mission that articulates an appealing and attractive value proposition for those donors and prospects sharing similar values. Donors are attracted to Mission-driven organizations. 2. Program Quality. With all of the hoopla and buzz on other aspects of performance, quality still counts and separates the winners from the losers. Empirical markers of quality, such as outstanding inputs, processes, people and results clearly result in success and boost the potential for funding. 3. Board Leadership/ Management. Nothing beats an engaged, active, fundraising board and a committed director. Charisma helps, although…

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