Nonprofit Resource Collaborative
We are very excited to join forces with other experienced experts in a new partnership called the Nonprofit Resource Collaborative. This consortium brings together experts whose skills include Human Resources, Nonprofit Law, Finance and Accounting, Process Improvement, Fundraising, Social Media, Marketing Strategy and more.
The premise for the collaborative to is offer nonprofit organizations the specialized knowledge an organization needs, as they need it. We offer project based fees or retained services, highly adaptable for an organization’s specific needs.
We will be holding a launch party Tuesday, July 16th and invite you to come learn more.
Toscano Advisors will continue to take clients outside of this collaborative group; this is just another resource we are excited to offer to our current and future clients.
What great innovation! This is the wave of the future addressing sustainability, capacity and expertise challenges!
We are very excited about this for the same reasons. Thanks for the encouragement Beverly! -Dania