A Baker’s Dozen Development Officer’s New Year Resolutions

YAegGCLhvo0aJugTGHimYcWBFvZBeakoqI8_Avwh8p8-1 A post from James V. Toscano

1. I resolve to understand that I am part of my organization’s brand.

2. I resolve to understand that donors give to our mission, not to me.

3. I resolve to never say that I raised millions but say that I assisted in raising millions for our mission.

4. I resolve to understand that not all Board members will help raise funds and it is my responsibility to find a way for them to help in ways in which they are comfortable.

5. Knowing that volunteers are often the best donors, I resolve to honor and cherish volunteers.

6. I resolve to spend as much time as possible with donors and potential donors.

7. I resolve to better understand donors’ values and the specific reasons why they are contributing to our organization.

8. I resolve to continuously tell donors how important they are to our organization’s success.

9. I resolve to continuously improve my own professional abilities and performance.

10. I resolve to understand and respect diversity and the potentials for support of our organization from broader groups of donors.

11. I resolve to understand and explore new sources of revenue for support of our organization.

12. I resolve to participate in the life of the community and to personify the values of our organization’s mission.

13. I resolve to be diplomatically aggressive in pursuit of mission and to never, never say die.

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