22 Jun 2012 / by Dania Toscano Miwa / in Fundraising, Nonprofit Sector, Social Media
Thoughts on Twive & Receive
I had a great time representing the Animal Humane Society for Minneapolis and getting Minnesota even more recognition on the national philanthropy map.
However, it truly had very little to do with me. The Animal Humane Society’s donors are the real hero’s of the day and I want to yet again publically extend my sincere thanks to them. THANK YOU!
As a fundraiser by training, I take joy in seeing people come together around a cause and make a meaningful difference. Thursday June 14th we were able to do just that. It was incredibly inspiring and I was thrilled to have represented Minneapolis.
To read the official press release from Razoo go here.
To hear more of my thoughts on Twive, and Receive, my motivations and strategy please listen to the Social Media Breakfast podcast.
To see our official Twive & Receive fundraising page please go here.
To see 1st place winners, the Ellie Fund’s representatives, blog post please visit here.
Copyright 2012 The Good Counsel, division of Toscano Advisors, LLC. May be duplicated with citation.